To Participate:
Log on to TAN page on face or and sign up
to get an application form for the promo. After which you will answer 6 simple questions . Winners will
contacted and announced on our facebook page and twitter page, AIT and NTA on Sunday 25th, of May 2014.
Applicants are advised to follow the following steps carefully
1. Visit
2. Click on the Register now tab
3. Fill the Registration form and submit
4. Go to your email and click on the confirmation link , Log in
5. Fill the the application form and then this takes you to an
application page
Once you have successfully applied for the promo,
Like us on Facebook:, follow us on twitter
@tanconnectgroup and look out for our TV programmes for announcement
of winners.
Also on Twitter use the hash tag: TAN_FlyMeToBrazil2014